Mount and blade warband making money
Mount and blade warband making money

mount and blade warband making money

However, failed missions and being caught in a smuggling quest could harm your relationships and goodwill significantly. The advantage of quests is that your success earns your money and boosts your relationship with the quest giver.

  • Family feud: Another short distance quest with a reward of 1000 to 2000 denars.
  • mount and blade warband making money

  • Deliver herds: A short distance quest that could earn you between 400 to 600 denars.
  • Smuggling: Smuggle things to and from a village.
  • Caravan escort: Protect caravans when they travel.
  • You could end up with leather pieces to sell, in addition to being paid over 1000 gold pieces when the quest is successful.
  • Poacher quests: In this quest, you’re supposed to get rid of poachers from that village.
  • The tasks can be from village leaders and lords and they range from: The trick is to go to nearby villages, talk to villagers and try to find quests that you can partake in. This is a good money-making method if you’re still a newbie.

    Mount and blade warband making money